Design Ideas
Decorate with Macaron Colors
Macaron is popular among young females and children at all times. It not only enrich your taste buds, the vast variation of pastel colors are also a delightful view to look at. Therefore, we have come up with the ideas of decorating with macaron colors -- it surely brings a...
Color Chart & Styles
MagicWood comes in 4 patterns, 8 colors. Here's a quick guide to help you pick the one that matches your project.STEP 1: Choose your style Barn Wood - Classic, country, rustic... Ordinary Drift Wood - Rustic, rough, vintage... Rought Drift Wood - Nautical, weathered... Flexible - Country, creative... STEP 2:...
Home Decor Ideas That Help You Stay Focused At Work
Having trouble staying focused at work? A refreshing change for your workplace might help improving your work performace. Here are some simple design ideas for you. 1. Red For FocusRed is the color of energy. It's associated with movement and excitement.A little bit of red accent in your workplace might...